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十八、我们知道个人是微弱的,但是我们也知道整体就是力量。——马克思We know that people are weak,but we also know that the whole is power。- Marx

十九、读书之法,在循序而渐进,熟读而精思。——朱熹Study of method,the step by step and step,pore and fine。- zhu xiy

二十、书痴者文必工,艺痴者技必良。——蒲松龄Book ChiZhe will work,art ChiZhe skill will be good。-pu songling

二十一、书籍使一些人博学多识,但也使一些食而不化的人疯疯颠颠。——彼特拉克Books make some considerable, but it also makes some people crazy madness eating without digesting。--petrarch

二十二、业精于勤,荒于嬉;行成于思,毁于随。——韩愈Practice makes perfect,shortage in one;Success depends on forethought, destroyed。-han yu

二十三、学问是异常珍贵的东西,从任何源泉吸收都不可耻。Learning is extremely precious things,from any source absorption is not a disgrace。

二十四、我成功是因为我有决心,从不踌躇。——拿破仑I succeeded because I willed it;I never hesitated。-- napoleon

二十五、莫等闲,白了少年头,空悲切。——岳飞The mo,white young head,empty grievous。-yue fei

