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帕特:Can I just explain myself?I didn't want Nikki to think that I was associated with that behaviour because I've never done that.能听我解释一下吗,我只是不想让尼基知道我和那种不正当的性扯上关系,因为我从来没做过那种事。
蒂芙尼:You may not have experienced the shit that I did,but you loved hearing about it,didn't you?You are afraid to be alive.That's...You are afraid to live.You're a hypocrite.You're a conformist.You're a liar.I opened up to you and you juddged me.You are an asshole.你是没做过,但是听爱听的,不是吗?你没有胆量活出自我,因为你没胆子做你自己。你只是个伪君子,只敢随大流,你这个骗子。我对你敞开了心扉,你却瞧不起我,你这个混蛋。
帕特:Sometimes it's Ok with girls,they wanna have fun.Sometimes it's not,they got a broken wing,they're an easy target.In this particular case,I think that that wing is being fixed,my friend.Make sure it get mended.You're getting in the way of that.She's sensitive,smart,artistic.This a great girl.Be respectful to that.
He told me you should never throw a marriage out the window.

